GCS CheerGCS StudentsGoodpasture Christian School

GCS Cheer and Student Photos

HUGE shout out to Shelby who shot most of these with one of my cameras through the night!

IMPORTANT: To save photos do not screenshot images they will be VERY low resolution. Tap the image you wish to save and tap the download button at the bottom of the image (small box with an arrow coming out of it) for the full resolution image.

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Casey Gower

Hey there! My name is Casey and I am a sports and wedding photographer based just north of Nashville! I have been shooting professional since about 2012 and have covered more events then I can count! I am a 2015 Alum of Goodpasture Christian School and a 2019 Alum of Freed-Hardeman University where I majored in Computer Science, Photography, and Interactive Digital Design. I am currently the Team Photographer for the Nashville Sounds as well as freelance photographer around town for several news agencies and am always open to new ideas and new clients! I absolutely love my time as a sports photographer and the people that it has allowed me to meet is nothing short of outstanding! This is my passion and it is people like you who come here to see the things that I do that help make that passion come true!